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Found the Home You Love? Here’s How I Can Help Make It Yours

The purchase of a home will most likely be the largest investment that you will make in your lifetime. It’s also almost always the greatest and longest lasting debt that you’ll assume. It’s not a move to be taken lightly and yet, when you find the one that you love you’ll want to move quickly and efficiently so as to not let it be the one that got away.

I can help you make your dream purchase a reality. Here are five crucial steps that I will take as your agent when you’re ready to make an offer on a home:

  1. As your agent I am responsible for crafting, presenting and writing a proper contract for a good offer. I also facilitate the acceptance of this offer with the sellers and their agent.
  2. My first step is always to perform a competitive market analysis, or CMA, to determine the value of the property. I’ll weigh in on the home’s current value based on the value of comparable properties, housing inventory levels in your area and the competitive nature of the current marketplace.
  3. Once we’ve decided on a competitive offer, my job and focus is on protecting you and your best interests. I’ll work closely with your to write terms and conditions represent your intentions, satisfy your comfort level and meet your goals for the purchase.
  4. The purchase agreement I write will protect you by addressing every possible issue that may spring up. From the offer price and deposit amounts to items to a list of all additional items to be included in the sale (also known as chattels). It will also include the closing date, the date the offer becomes null and void. Lastly, we’ll cover any additional conditions that accompanies your offer; contingencies based on outcome of a home inspection, approval of financing and personal property transferring with the sale are some common conditions that we’ll discuss and include.
  5. Finally, I do not just present your offer to the seller, I present you to them as well. As you already know purchasing a home is often more than just a financial decision, same thing goes for sellers! A personal or human connection with a potential buyer is often the tipping point in them selecting one buyer over another during bidding. For example, an offer from a family that the seller imagines creating cherished memories in the home may trump another offer that’s missing that touch of human connection, even in the case of an equal or slightly lower financial offer. The stronger I position you in terms of your financial capabilities, superior commitment, motivation and human and emotional connection to the property, the more I can swing the negotiations in your favour.

Ready to buy? Let’s do this! Contact me today to get started.